American Made!


In 1815 Thomas Jefferson announced, "I have come to a resolution myself as I hope every good citizen will, never again to purchase any article of foreign manufacture which can be had of American make, be the difference of price what it may."  New Sound Acoustics prides itself in being American made!

When I began trying to produce the best thin-body acoustic-electric guitar on the market I had many doors fling wide open for me to manufacture my guitars in other countries.  China, Korea, Mexico were the main ones pushed on me.  People in the industry said I would make more money, they said I would have a stronger bottom line, but I refused to give in.  Although it was tempting, I will admit, I continued the quest to have my guitars made and manufactured here In America. 

I began this company not even with two pennies to rub together.  I launched my American dream while I was flat broke, busted and crippled with a debilitating back injury that wouldn't even allow me to stand up straight.  I will always cling to the belief that in America you can achieve great things, even in this present climate when socialism is raring its ugly head.  I began my American dream by designing a fresh new guitar and making a bold decision on how the culture of my company would operate.  Each customer IS my number one customer! 

My company will give $100 referral rewards to those who send us purchasing customers, we will enact an awesome buy back program for our NRS family when a new generation NRS is created, we will publish an 800 number for fellow musicians that are struggling with addictions that eventually ruin their families and careers, we will donate 1% of each guitar sale to plant thousands of new trees in deforested land, and we will introduce new state of the art hardware built into our amazing NRS guitars never before seen on other thin-body acoustics to make NRS player's lives on stage an absolute pleasure. 

Right now I work long hard hours and work the phones day and night talking to my awesome customers New Sound Acoustics calls friends.  I launched my company believing I still had a shot in America even when others in the industry gave me that "good luck" look because I didn't go overseas.

So here I am, after many starts and stops, victories and heartaches, tears of joy and tears of pain, I can say I did it!  With God's help and many people that believed in me and my project New Sound Acoustics will be launching at the end of April beginning of May! 

New Sound Acoustics is bold, its brave and its American made for a new generation of acoustic players!  It feels good to know that Thomas Jefferson and our founding fathers would be very proud of me.  I believe they would gladly play an NRS guitar by New Sound Acoustics and would applaud what this company stands for!  God is good and America still rocks! 



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