New Sound Acoustics Is Planting New Trees
We are not just focused on guitar sales. We want to make a great impact on the music industry by how we run our company and treat our NRS family of players but we also want to give back to our mother Earth and show appreciation to a God who gave us these beautiful trees. It feels great to know that not only are we replenishing trees but also touching lives of people who are less fortunate than we are.
Through our program they will find pride in being able to work with their hands and see the results of their work as they watch these hundreds and with time, thousands of trees grow which will help to what irresponsible deforestation has consumed. They will also be taught skills and see the results of the work of their hands bring clean drinking water to their villages. I spoke to a friend that digs clean drinking water wells in third world nations and he said 95% of dysentery can be eliminated just by providing clean flowing drinking water.
We are proud to join in and even though it is a small part, I believe if we all chip in a little we can accomplish a lot. When I launched New Sound Acoustics I wanted to launch a company that was different, that would treat our players differently than other companies. I wanted to create a sense of family and friendship amongst our players where all NRS players would support each other and our company would be known for the love and respect we give to each of our NRS family members. I believe that this tree planting program is just another step in that direction. I believe we should be responsible in what we do to our earth in a balanced way. We do need to use the wood these beautiful trees provide but we also need to put them back in the ground more than what we use for future generations to come. I can just hear the late painter/artist Bob Ross say "happy trees, happy little trees!" I'm sure he would be proud of us!
Thank you for being a part of our New Sound Acoustics family and thank you for your support! Peace to you!
President of New Sound Acoustics